At Shadow Work for Women, you find the beauty in your shadows and the courage to face, heal and integrate wounding, trauma and conditioning at the root level unravelling and reweaving as you go.
The more you embrace the more connected you feel to your cyclical nature and natural rhythms where listening, sensing and receiving are your guiding lights to create a life of balance, trust and a life you love in harmony with yourself and others.
❤︎ Dives into the core of what it means to be a woman, a mother and a daughter past, present and future, across lands, cultures and generations.
❤︎ Returns you to the wisdom held in your womb and your inner roots nurturing a profound sense of safety, security and stability from the inside out
❤︎ Asks you to reclaim the parts of yourself buried beneath the roles and responsibilities of “mother,” “daughter,” “partner,” and “caretaker.”
❤︎ Deeply rooted in the feminine principles of listening, sensing, receiving, and intuiting awakening you to an organic way of living, being and relating
❤︎ Tunes you back into the cycles and seasons of your internal landscape unearthing a gentle rhythm that is grounded in softness and serenity
♡ Acknowledge, accept and consciously work through the unique challenges of womanhood and the feminine experience
♡ Break free from the complex patterns of self-sacrifice that have defined you rediscovering the beauty and power of your inner magic
♡ Nurture a deeper, heart-centred connection with yourself that naturally ripples outwards and into your relationships with others and Mother Earth along the way
♡ Feel loved, held and supported from the inside out as you unravel the wounds that have created a sense of your identity and that is not your truth
♡ Remember your gifts and your unique soul songs that bring you pleasure, love, balance and fulfilment
♡ Learn to trust in your human experience, the wisdom of your body as you reset your boundaries and respond to your needs
♡ Live, honour and BE who you are in your roots.
Shadow Walking is a unique, gentle and transformative psycho-therapeutic process that weaves together feminine-centred shadow integration techniques with shamanic healing methods to guide deep-rooted healing and integration
It helps you reconnect with your feminine essence, reclaim your power, and step into healthier, more balanced relationships with yourself and others.
→ Struggling in an intimate relationship
→ Navigating toxic and challenging family dynamics where your needs are unheard and unmet
→ Navigating a significant life-event such as motherhood, menopause, divorce, death or illness
→ Struggling with challenging emotions that are reactive, overwhelming, chaotic and scary
→ Often feeling anxious, powerless, and that you have no control over your life, wants and needs
→ Experiencing patterns of self-sabotage, self-sacrifice and inadequacy, always putting others needs before your own
→ In constant cycles of psychodrama, burnout or being pushed over the edge and your boundaries are constantly compromised
→ Finding yourself constantly repeating the same unhealthy and limiting patterns, beliefs and behaviours
→ Feeling yourself caught on the hamster wheel of living and surviving disconnected from your purpose
→ Experiencing deep seated issues with trust and control that triggers self-doubt and insecurity
→ Know there is something more powerful hidden deep inside but you have no idea how to get there
→ Feel disconnected from your body, often feeling numbness, self-hatred or disgust
As a Shamanic Practitioner, it was my role to facilitate healing for my clients. Over time, however, I realised that this way of healing others no longer resonated.
It didn’t feel right as I believed that, if I could heal my own wounds and traumas and unravel my deeply embedded conditioning through a combination of Shadow Work and Shamanic Practices, then so too could my clients.
Out of this belief, the Shadow Walking Process was born
Each session is based on a supportive framework to meet the inner work required in each session without restriction or limitation allowing you to feel the power of making progress and moving forward
Duty of care is paramount creating a foundation of trust and safety that enables the body, mind and soul to relax and awaken to deeper levels of consciousness
After each session, instead of being thrown harshly back into life to navigate traffic, day-to-day chores, returning to the workplace etc., you are invited to give yourself permission and space to honour and process the work you’ve done, creating a practice of self-care that allows you to really honour your needs and start respecting your boundaries.
BA/BSc in Psychology and Women's Studies, Certified Shamanic Practitioner who specialises in Shadow Work for Women and Weaver and Creator of the Shadow Walking Process, thank you for being here!
Unlocking, healing and integrating the hidden side of the female psyche is my life’s work unraveling and reweaving the threads that connect us all and shape and define the relationship we have with ourselves and others, past present and future, across lands, cultures and generations.
Having held space for over a 1000 Shadow Work sessions, I consider it an honour and a privilege to walk this journey alongside the women who have chosen this path.
I have witnessed time and again, the courage, depth and immense change each woman has experienced as a result and have the unique opportunity to watch the ripple effect this deep integrative shadow work has had on their lives and their relationships, personal and professional, internally and externally.
YOU ARE OWN your teacher, healer & therapist....
Because all the wisdom you've ever needed to navigate the challenges of life, love and womanhood is hidden in the deep cavernous space of your womb.
I simply guide you with the tools and the right questions to where you need to go to unlock the doors to this buried treasure.
Michelle - Sound Therapy Practitioner
I love the way Nicola coaches and coaxes. She holds a really sacred space in which you feel held and heard. My trust in her skills enabled me to dive deeply into myself, even if the space I had to work within wasn’t the most conducive, the sessions felt incredibly sacred, healing, and immense.
Nicola has such an amazing intuitive gift and she is so fearless in shadow walking yet so very nurturing and gentle. It’s like we go off into the jungle together to find the treasures lost, yet I am always aware of being with an experienced and steady guide whom I trust implicitly to keep me safe.
"self-love, self-acceptance, and wholeness"
Katherine - Musician, Photographer, Artist
I would recommend Shadow Walking with Nicola to anyone who wants to start to get to the bottom of why painful patterns in their lives keep recurring and begin to look at these things square on, thus beginning to remove the control they have over us.
Also to anyone who wants to embrace themselves in their entirety and finally get in touch with the denied parts; moving towards an empowered place of self-love, self-acceptance, and wholeness.
"discovered self-love, courage, and personal boundaries"
Name Kept Private
Nicola holds space with integrity, compassion, and love; the trust I feel when working with her empowers me to delve deep into unraveling the source of some of my self-destructive patterns and behaviours, no matter how painful.
I can easily say that my life is transforming and changing at a rapid rate. I have discovered self-love, courage, and personal boundaries. Feelings of guilt and shame are fading and diminishing.
"profound realisations and healing"
Lisa - Artisan & Founder
I have been on many many journeys in my life, so I knew Shadow Work with Nicola, would not be exactly as I wanted it to be. But the profound realisations and healing, past, present, and ancestral, that have come to me from these sessions are such a relief. My exhale is so much more unrestricted.
All I can say is you’d have to meet her to get a glimpse of the sweetness that she exudes. I believe Nicola possesses a gift so pure and unobtrusive that great healing and realisations are sure to follow.
"this work will release you"
Jacqueline - Holistic Wellness Advocate
Nicola holds space fantastically and shows a lot of love and compassion throughout her sessions. Her authenticity shines through in her work. I can not recommend this work with Nicola highly enough.
If you are fed up with being tied to the old baggage or are sick of the same patterns playing out in your lifetime and time again then this work will release you from all of this.
It will bring you home to You.
"seen, heard and held"
Ramani - Corporate Professional
Nicola's work is deep, subtle and profound.
She held a very safe space for me to start going into my shadow. It is really important for us as women to find a respectful quality space where we can been seen, heard and held so that we can do the work properly.
Nicola offers this kind of container.
She allows women to do the work themselves while knowing they are not alone.
1. Explore the challenges you are currently facing and how these manifest in your shadow
2. Walk into the very depths of your female psyche to unlock what is currently holding you back
3. Experience profound healing and integration at the root level
4. Retrieve vital soul essence, courage and confidence you need to start creating a life you love
✓ 1 x 90-min Shadow Walking Session
✓ 1 x 30-min Follow-Up Session
✓ Audio Recording of the Session
✓ Next Steps to Create a Life You Love
The 9-Month Shadow Walking Intensive is a robust programme if you want a more supportive long-term relationship to get to the heart of who you truly are beneath all the wounding, trauma and conditioning that has defined you.
Together we create a container to hold you, just like the Mother holds her unborn child in the womb, a safe and sacred space through which to experience the totality of who you are and engage the magic hidden in the darkness to:
❤︎ Release & Retrieve
❤︎ Return & Reconnect
❤︎ Remember & Restore
✓ 18 x 90-min Shadow Walking Sessions
✓ Homeopathic Remedies Delivered Via Courier
✓ Exclusive Email Support In-Between Sessions
✓ Audio Recording of the Sessions
✓ Next Steps to Create a Life You Love
All Shadow Walking Sessions are typically 90-mins and held via Google Meet from the comfort of your own home.
As the work is soul-guided I do not allow the work to be restricted by time, allowing the work to unfold and flow as it needs to. Sometimes sessions can run over, at no extra cost to you, as it is important to complete whatever has come to the surface.
Upon booking I will send you a complete information sheet to help you prepare for your session, and a new client form to be completed before we meet.
Choosing what you want to work on in a session is ego-orientated, coming from an unconscious need to control which creates expectations and feeds already established limiting beliefs, behaviours and patterns.
The work I do is first and foremost shamanic orientated, meaning the work is soul-driven, and therefore the moment you book your session, the inner work will naturally begin, as what you need to work on will start coming to the surface from the hidden realms of your psyche, soul and shadow and start manifesting in your day-to-day life.
The emotions being triggered, the relationships you are finding challenging, and the dreams you may be having, will give us a clue as to what is arising to be revealed, healed and integrated.
This is the magic of the work and allowing what is hidden to speak through your gynocentric, intelligence systems helps you harness the power of this intuitive wisdom you have always had access to but have just forgotten how to use.
Unlike traditional therapy you will receive full email support in-between sessions to navigate any challenges or triggers you may face. I typically respond with deeper wisdom and insight as well as prompts to help you go deeper.
You will also receive a 30-min Follow-Up Session to answer any questions you have and to guide your next steps upon completion of the process.
You are invited to book a single Shadow Work Session first to experience the power of the work and what you can accomplish in 90-mins.
Then in your follow-up session, besides asking any questions you have to help your integration we can discuss possible pathways to move forward depending on your needs.
Don't waste another day being unhappy with the status quo
Let today be the day you begin to unravel the complex threads of wounding, trauma and conditioning you're holding onto and return to a deeper sense of inner connection, harmony and peace along with the next steps you need to create a life you love with more love, awareness, and confidence in your sense of self
Supporting women to unlock the hidden side of their female psyche, breaking free from the ghosts from their past, limiting beliefs, behaviours and unconscious patterns to create a life they love.
All Rights Reserved © 2025 Shadow Work for Women & Nicola Lucie are part of The Feminine Principle Limited ♡ Registered in England and Wales | Company No. 14079889