themselves at a crossroads
Realtor, USA
"I learned to ground and love myself in a new way which allowed me to deepen my spiritual connection. There is no dollar amount worth the value of this experience. Truly. Give the gift of self and wisdom to yourself and it flows into every other area of your life"
Coach & Founder UK
"The sessions were informative, eye-opening, and life-shifting. The deep practice work was intense but absolutely groundbreaking. I saw truths about myself and my past I’d never been able to face before. And I began to change and my perspective and life began to shift unrecognisably"
Psychologist, CANADA
"Working with Nicola transformed my life in unimaginable ways. I developed a stronger connection and understanding of who I am and I have learned to participate more as an observer in my life instead of remaining stuck, attached, and stagnant"
Financial Advisor and Founder, GB
"Where do I even begin to capture the impact of this work on my life! It is radical deep work that has brought me such peace and healing that words don’t feel they do it justice. The combination of the deep work and the homeopathic remedy blew my mind"
LMS & DIgital Content Manager, UK
"For me, Nicola and the Shadow Work that she does is a refreshingly different approach to self-development. In the 9-months we worked together I did indeed turn every area of my life around. helped me to find the voice in me that knows who I am, what I want, and how to get there"
Customer Success & Leadership Coach, UK
"Nicola created an incredibly safe container, where we were truly able to go deep into my childhood wounds, and stories that were protecting me but ultimately limiting me from truly experiencing the world from a place of my own personal power"
Psychology Student, BELARUS
"Nicola was the first person I was able to trust after years of living in terror, she is kind, compassionate, nurturing and soft. I would recommend her to anyone who finally wants to come back home to themselves and change their life"
"I know I can approach the world now from a much more stable and authentic place and can freely tap into my creative flow, and be contented and grounded. It’s hard to put a value on that, in many ways it’s priceless"
You value 1:1 work and want to take a deep and profound journey into the very heart and soul of who you are to help you navigate the internal conflict that is making you question who you are as a woman, a mother and a daughter, your purpose in life and your place in the world
You are ready to enter into a heart-centred relationship with yourself that helps you navigate the challenges of your emotional landscape so you can respond rather than react to your triggers and embrace their wisdom to bring a sense of happiness and balance into your life and relationships
You’ve done a lot of inner work, and now you're ready for the next level of self-development and awakening, one that finally helps you integrate the wounding, trauma and conditioning you thought you’d dealt with but still keeps rising to the surface so you can create lasting change
You recognise you need help and support to move beyond your own blindspots to break free from the repetitive unhealthy patterns, and limiting beliefs and behaviours that keep you feeling stuck and unfulfilled, ready to unravel them and weave healthier and supportive patterns into being
You've come to realise that no matter what you do, how many books you read, or workshops you attend, you know there’s something hidden deep inside you just can’t quite grasp and you're ready with all of your heart, because you want to live your truth, be your authentic self and know and express who you are in your roots
You’re ready to dive deeper than ever before, to awaken hidden truths, show up with radical honesty and take responsibility for every aspect of your life, knowing that when you do your heart will open to deeper layers of love you never thought possible as you show up and be seen for all that you are and watch as your life and relationships change with ease and grace
Ready to get started?
As you become more grounded in your body, you will feel safer with your emotional and somatic intelligence, awakening to more of your power and potential.
You will feel more empowered, confident and courageous to make the necessary changes and decisions in your relationships, personal and professional, so you feel seen, heard and supported to thrive and grow.
You will develop acute self-awareness, respecting your needs and boundaries, and nurturing a deeper sense of trust in your intuition awakening you to the realm of boundless possibilities.
From the onset you will become the creator of your life, embracing and embodying pleasure, and aligning with what makes your heart sing, bringing more happiness, peace and joy into all that you do.
You will feel liberated from the wounding, trauma and conditioning that has held you captive, unravelling the unconscious patterns, beliefs and behaviours that have limited your growth so you can flourish without hindrance.
Forest School Educator, CANADA
"Working with Nicola was like a quantum leap of awakening!! Every single time we met, I left feeling like I literally jumped into a future timeline of development. I have come back to finding my true purpose and allowing it to shift and evolve with acceptance"
Virtual Assistant, USA
"I overcame a lifetime of very deeply-rooted insecurity and things that used to throw me off course barely even phase me anymore. I am overall just happier and more secure with who I am"
Artisan & Founder, IRELAND
"The profound realisations and healing, past, present, and ancestral, that have come to me from these sessions are such a relief. My exhale is so much more unrestricted. I believe Nicola possesses a gift so pure and unobtrusive that great healing and realisations are sure to follow"
Ayurvedic Practitioner, UK
"Shadow Work with Nicola has been truly transformational, I would recommend it for any woman who is ready to break open to her truths and her inner knowing. Nicola’s compassionate and insightful guidance allowed me to feel safe to speak and express my depths for the first time, – all the ‘answers’ are within me"
Shamanic Apprentice, USA
"It has changed my life in so many beautiful ways. Her huge kind heart and nurturing way made me feel safe and supported throughout the entire program. I have a fresh new perspective on life and am now equipped with the tools to handle life as it unfolds.
I have noticed a huge shift in my Mother wound. It is profound, the pain behind it all has shifted and I can talk about my mother now without the physical pain in my heart.
My self-acceptance has shifted into true self-love and that change has been monumental"
Holistic Wellness Advocate, UK
"I have more flow in my life now and no longer feel the need to control outcomes. I see things more objectively and I notice I am not reacting to people the way I did before. I have taken my power back and stand fully in alignment with my Soul, having retrieved the missing parts of it that were attached to these old circumstances and situations.
You have no idea how amazing this feels. So much self-empowerment"
Retired Professional, USA
"The 9 month Shadow Work Immersion with Nicola created changes in me that I have worked a lifetime to experience. Nothing went so deep, safely, as is allowed with shadow walking to find the wounds and re-experience all that is created by them.
But the true gift was the skill, wisdom, intuition of this practitioner to take me there, navigate me through it all and bring me back each time with a new space inside of me; spaces that were my own again where I could build the true me. Incredible life-changing work"
Sound Therapy Practitioner, UK
"I love the way Nicola coaches and coaxes, my trust in her skills enabled me to dive deeply into myself, and the sessions felt incredibly sacred, healing, and immense.
Nicola has such an amazing intuitive gift and she is so fearless in shadow walking yet so very nurturing and gentle. It’s like we go off into the jungle together to find the treasures lost, yet I am always aware of being with an experienced and steady guide whom I trust implicitly to keep me safe"
This unique and transformative Shadow Work for Women 9-Month Intensive Program takes you into the very heart and soul of who you are in your roots, way beyond the wounding, trauma and conditioning that has created a sense of your identity.
We create a container to hold you, just like a mother holds her unborn child: 9-months in the womb 9-months to give birth to yourself - with each session building upon the last taking you deeper and deeper into previously unexplored territory as you access the inner realms that hold your magic, your gifts and your profound healing potential.
Release & Retrieve
Return & Reconnect
Remember & Restore
all that you are, all that you've ever been and all you are yet to become
Listen to the urgency of your inner voice, and give yourself permission to explore how deep level Shadow Integration Work, is the key to unlocking your past so you can embrace the present and create a life filled with purpose, possibility and the profound joy of living authentically from your heart and womb
BA/BSc in Psychology and Women's Studies, Certified Shamanic Practitioner who specialises in Shadow Work for Women and the founder of The Feminine Principle, thank you for being here!
Unlocking, healing and integrating the hidden side of the female psyche is my life’s work unraveling and reweaving the threads that connect us all and shape and define the relationship we have with ourselves and others, past present and future, across lands, cultures and generations.
Having held space for over a 1000 of Shadow Work sessions, I consider it an honour and a privilege to walk this journey alongside the women who have chosen this path.
I have witnessed time and again, the courage, depth and immense change each woman has experienced as a result and have the unique opportunity to watch the ripple effect this deep integrative shadow work has had on their lives and their relationships, personal and professional, internally and externally.
I'm looking forward to meeting you!
Supporting women to unlock the hidden side of their female psyche, breaking free from the ghosts from their past, limiting beliefs, behaviours and unconscious patterns to create a life they love.
All Rights Reserved © 2025 Shadow Work for Women & Nicola Lucie are part of The Feminine Principle Limited ♡ Registered in England and Wales | Company No. 14079889